On June 5, 2018, the exhibition of the Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development for International Students, titled "Plastic Battle Quick Fix--Sustainable Development and Youth Best Practice", opened at the hall of the Comprehensive Building of Siping Road campus of Tongji University. Mr. Wu Jiang, Executive Vice President of Tongji University and Dean of the Faculty of Environment and Sustainable Development of UNEP-Tongji University, and Mr. Ananda Dias, Regional Coordinator of Early Warning and Assessment for the Asia-Pacific region of UNEP, gave speeches respectively.
Wu Jiang welcomed the guests for their presentation s first. He stressed that the micro plastic, formed from decomposition of plastics has become a new type of pollution, which is now happening in the ocean, and appealed everyone for working together to fight against micro plastic pollution, reduce plastic wastes, and prevent the spread of micro plastic. We need to have a deep understanding of thoughts on ecological progress and green development proposed by President Xi's, in order to make the idea that clear waters and green mountains are mountains of gold and silver be more fully displayed on the land of the China. In addition, Tongji University has always taken sustainable development as its own development strategy, aiming to train young talents for sustainable development in China and promote the works of sustainable development together with all walks of life.
Ananda Dias illustrated on "Plastic Battle Quick Fix”, the theme of World Environment Day, calling on young people to address today's environmental challenge of plastic pollution, transform their lifestyles, and reduce the heavy burden of plastic pollution on the natural environment, wildlife and our own health.
Guests attending the show included: Qian Hong, deputy governor of Agricultural Bank of China Shanghai branch, Zhang Li, President of Beijing Green Future Environmental Foundation, Li Fengting, the Executive Vice President of School of Environment and Sustainable Development of the UNEP-Tongji University and Vice President of the College of Environmental Science and Engineering in Tongji university, Wang Xin, Vice President of School of Environment and Sustainable Development of the UNEP-Tongji University, etc.
Wu Jiang accompanied the guests to visit the exhibition. As an important part of the Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development for International Students in 2018, the exhibition provides an opportunity for young people from more than 50 countries and organizations, as well as institutions, NGOs and enterprises committing to green development, to share and exchange ideas, and inspires young people to engage in sustainable development projects in the meantime.
The Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development for International Students was co-sponsored by UNEP, Tongji University, Beijing Green Future Environmental Foundation and Xinhua News Agency, and hosted by UNEP-Tongji University School of Environment and Sustainable Development.
More than 300 students from more than 50 countries gathered together to talk on "Plastic Battle Quick Fix”
1. Xinhua website http://sh.xinhuanet.com/2018-06/06/c_137234838.htm?The from = singlemessage&isappinstalled = 0
2. China website http://life.china.com.cn/2018-06/07/content_85066.html
3. Language http://finance.china.com/hyzx/20000618/20180607/25220591.html
4. China youth network at http://finance.youth.cn/finance_cyxfgsxw/201806/t20180607_11639214.htm
5. The international online at http://city.cri.cn/20180607/ac2b152e-56c9-d6d4-837a-e2d6a2dc576c.html
6. In addition, http://www.ah.chinanews.com/news/2018/0607/123180.shtml
7. The phoenix http://nb.ifeng.com/a/20180607/6638126_0.shtml
8. Sina's http://vr.sina.com.cn/news/hz/2018-06-07/doc-ihcqccip9619280.shtml
9. The Chinese education website https://www.baidu.com/link?Url = FbRPEC - zswrhv1ei1prh1hznpbobosvsm_ WkzuYrVQtdLAfvrZtpO548SaiJ7-5 - & wd = & eqid = ec47a8ba0003f975000000045b18d644
10. Netease news at http://3g.163.com/local/article/DJMSHSLR043897TC.html
11. TOM http://news.tom.com/201806/4411742092.html
12. The northern http://edu.enorth.com.cn/system/2018/06/07/035647168.shtml
13. Huaxi News
14. Taizhou Net, China
15. VR daily