Lu, J.; He, H.; Zhang, T.; Fu, Q.; Pan, R.; Zeng, C.*; Zhou, Y.; Xu, B.* Fe(II)/Sulfite Process with Rapid Fe(II) Oxidation Enhances p-Arsanilic Acid Oxidation and Simultaneous Arsenic Adsorption. ACS ES&T Engineering 2025.
曾超, 张天阳, 何欢, 徐斌. 市政饮用水品质提升关键问题与发展路径分析. 能源环境保护, 2025, 39 (1): 1−10.
Zhao, H. X.; He, H.; Zeng, C.; Zhang, T. Y.; Hu, C. Y.; Pan, R.; Xu, M. Y.; Tang, Y. L.; Xu, B. Overlooked Role of Fungi in Drinking Water Taste and Odor Issues. Environ Sci Technol 2024, 58 (40), 17817-17827.
Zeng, C.*; Rajput, H.; Brown, J. R.; Liu, B.; Long, T. E.; Westerhoff, P. Methoxy Substitution Enhances Metal Ion Binding Capacity of the Water-Soluble Spiropyran Copolymer. ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2024, 6 (1), 362-370.
Zeng, C.*; Mojiri, A.; Ananpattarachai, J.; Farsad, A.; Westerhoff, P. Sorption-based atmospheric water harvesting for continuous water production in the built environment: Assessment of water yield and quality. Water Res 2024, 265, 122227.
Yin, C.; He, X.; Yang, X.; Zeng, C.; Feng, Y.; Xu, B.; Tang, Y. Enhanced electrocatalytic removal of bisphenol a by introducing Co/N into precursor formed from phenolic resin waste. Chemosphere 2024, 358, 142204.
Xu, M. Y.; Zeng, C.; Lin, Y. L.; Zhang, T. Y.; Fu, Q.; Zhao, H. X.; Luo, Z. N.; Zheng, Z. X.; Cao, T. C.; Hu, C. Y.; et al. Wavelength dependency and photosensitizer effects in UV-LED photodegradation of iohexol. Water Res 2024, 255, 121477.
Wang, J.; Lai, Y. S.; Wang, T. H.; Zeng, C.; Westerhoff, P.; Mu, Y. Water quality constraints H2O2 production in a dual-fiber photocatalytic reactor. Water Res 2024, 260, 121880.
Luo, Z. N.; He, H.; Zhang, T. Y.; Wei, X. L.; Dong, Z. Y.; Xu, M. Y.; Zhao, H. X.; Zheng, Z. X.; Pan, R. J.; Hu, C. Y.; Zeng, C.; El-Din, M. G. Xu, B. Enhanced iodinated disinfection byproducts formation in iodide/iodate-containing water undergoing UV-chloramine sequential disinfection: Machine learning-aided identification of reaction mechanisms. Water Res 2024, 272, 122975.
Fu, Q.; Zhang, Z.; Lin, Y.-L.; Zhang, T.-Y.; Zhang, Y.-L.; Pan, R.; Xu, M.-Y.; Zheng, Z.-X.; Lu, J.; Luo, Z.-N.; Zeng, C.; He, H.; Xu, B. Mechanisms of radical regulation during carbamazepine degradation by UV-LED/chlorine process with different wavelengths in water. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2024, 12 (6).
Sharma, N.; Zeng, C.; Eaton, A.; Karanfil, T.; Ghosh, A.; Westerhoff, P. Co-Occurrence of Bromine and Iodine Species in USDrinking Water Sources That Can Impact Disinfection Byproduct Formation. Environ Sci Technol 2023, 57 (47), 18563-18574.
Liu, B.; Brown, J. R.; Zeng, C.; Rajput, H.; McDonough, R. K.; Westerhoff, P.; Long, T. E. Spiropyran-containing water-soluble and photoreversible copolymers. Polymer 2023, 272.
Sharma, N.; Westerhoff, P.; Zeng, C*. Lithium occurrence in drinking water sources of the United States. Chemosphere 2022, 305, 135458.
Zeng, C.; Nguyen, C.; Boitano, S.; Field, J. A.; Shadman, F.; Sierra-Alvarez, R. Toxicity of abrasive nanoparticles (SiO2, CeO2, and Al2O3) on Aliivibrio fischeri and human bronchial epithelial cells (16HBE14o-). Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2021, 23 (2).
1Zeng, C.; Atkinson, A.; Sharma, N.; Ashani, H.; Hjelmstad, A.; Venkatesh, K.; Westerhoff, P. Removing per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances from groundwaters using activated carbon and ion exchange resin packed columns. AWWA Water Science 2020, 2 (1).
Long, X.; Luo, Y. H.; Zhang, Z.; Zheng, C.; Zeng, C.; Bi, Y.; Zhou, C.; Rittmann, B. E.; Waite, T. D.; Herckes, P.; et al. The Nature and Oxidative Reactivity of Urban Magnetic Nanoparticle Dust Provide New Insights into Potential Neurotoxicity Studies. Environ Sci Technol 2020, 54 (17), 10599-10609.
Long, M.; Zeng, C.; Wang, Z.; Xia, S.; Zhou, C. Complete dechlorination and mineralization of para-chlorophenol (4-CP) in a hydrogen-based membrane biofilm reactor (MBfR). Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 276.
Li, G.; Field, J. A.; Zeng, C.; Madeira, C. L.; Nguyen, C. H.; Jog, K. V.; Speed, D.; Sierra-Alvarez, R. Diazole and triazole inhibition of nitrification process in return activated sludge. Chemosphere 2020, 241, 124993.
Bi, X.; Zeng, C.; Westerhoff, P. Adsorption of Arsenic Ions Transforms Surface Reactivity of Engineered Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles. Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54 (15), 9437-9444.
Zeng, C.; Nguyen, C.; Boitano, S.; Field, J. A.; Shadman, F.; Sierra-Alvarez, R. Cerium dioxide (CeO2) nanoparticles decrease arsenite (As(III)) cytotoxicity to 16HBE14o- human bronchial epithelial cells. Environ Res 2018, 164, 452-458.
Zeng, C.; Shadman, F.; Sierra-Alvarez, R. Transport and abatement of fluorescent silica nanoparticle (SiO2 NP) in granular filtration: effect of porous media and ionic strength. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2017, 19 (3).
Zeng, C.; Gonzalez-Alvarez, A.; Orenstein, E.; Field, J. A.; Shadman, F.; Sierra-Alvarez, R. Ecotoxicity assessment of ionic As(III), As(V), In(III) and Ga(III) species potentially released from novel III-V semiconductor materials. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 2017, 140, 30-36.
Ramos-Ruiz, A.; Zeng, C.; Sierra-Alvarez, R.; Teixeira, L. H.; Field, J. A. Microbial toxicity of ionic species leached from the II-VI semiconductor materials, cadmium telluride (CdTe) and cadmium selenide (CdSe). Chemosphere 2016, 162, 131-138.
Zeng, C.; Ramos-Ruiz, A.; Field, J. A.; Sierra-Alvarez, R. Response to the comments on "Cadmium telluride leaching behavior: Discussion of Zeng et al. (2015)". J Environ Manage 2015, 164, 65-66..
Zeng, C.; Ramos-Ruiz, A.; Field, J. A.; Sierra-Alvarez, R. Cadmium telluride (CdTe) and cadmium selenide (CdSe) leaching behavior and surface chemistry in response to pH and O2. J Environ Manage 2015, 154, 78-85.
Otero-Gonzalez, L.; Field, J. A.; Calderon, I. A. C.; Aspinwall, C. A.; Shadman, F.; Zeng, C.; Sierra-Alvarez, R. Fate of fluorescent core-shell silica nanoparticles during simulated secondary wastewater treatment. Water Res 2015, 77, 170-178.