1. 国家自然科学基金项目(面上),52370016,2024.01-2027.12,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金项目(青年),52200021,2023.01-2025.12,主持
3. 上海市晨光计划项目,23CGA24,2024.01-2025.12,主持
4. 上海市自然科学基金面上项目,23ZR1466400,2023.04-2026.03,主持
5. 上海市浦江人才计划,21PJD073,2021.10-2023.09,主持
6. 同济大学自主原创基础研究项目,22120220578,2022.11-2024.10,主持
7. 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室(清华大学)开放课题,22K04ESPCT,2022.06-2024.06,主持
8. 国家重点研发计划项目(课题),2021YFC3200805,2021.12-2024.11,参与
1. Y.L. Liu, Q.H. Cen, K.M. Fan, A.R. Hu, X. Yuan, S.J. Xia*, Enhancing nanofiltration membrane selectivity between mineral salts and organic pollutants by sulfonic acid functionalization for drinking water treatment. J. Membr. Sci. 693 (2024) 122358.
2. K.M. Fan, C.W. Pan, Y.L. Liu*, X. Yuan, X.P. Wang, Y.D. Huang, P. Cheng, S.J. Xia, Exploration of a two-stage polymerization mechanism in construction of dense polyester membranes for drinking water treatment. Desalination 573 (2024) 117203.
3. X.X. Wei, K.M. Fan, P. Cheng, Y.L. Liu*, S.J. Xia, Modification of nanofiltration membranes using beta-cyclodextrin derivatives with different functional groups for enhanced removal of organic micropollutants. Desalination 573 (2024) 117219.
4. P. Cheng, T.R. Zhu, X.P Wang, K.M. Fan, Y.L. Liu*, X.M. Wang, S.J. Xia, Enhancing nanofiltration selectivity of metal−organic framework membranes via a confined interfacial polymerization strategy. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2023) https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.3c03120.
5. Y.L. Liu, K.P. Wang, P. Cheng, K.M. Fan, Y.W. Gao, S.J. Xia, X.M. Wang*, Y.F. Xie, X. Huang, Hexane treatment to facilely tailor polyamide nanofiltration membrane performance: The critical role of treatment duration. ACS ES&T Engg. (2023) https://doi.org/10.1021/acsestengg.3c00192.
6. K.M. Fan1, Z.H. Mai1, Y.L. Liu*, X.P. Wang, Y.D. Huang, P. Cheng, S.J. Xia, Hideto Matsuyama, Fabrication of dense polyester nanofiltration membranes with superior fouling and chlorine resistance: Effect of polyol monomer properties and underlying mechanisms. ACS ES&T Engg. (2023) https://doi.org/10.1021/acsestengg.3c00203.
7. A.R. Hu, Y.L. Liu*, J.F. Zheng, X.M. Wang, S.J Xia*, B. Van der Bruggen, Tailoring properties and performance of thin-film composite membranes by salt additives for water treatment: A critical review. Water Res. 234 (2023) 119821.
8. X.P. Wang, Y.L. Liu*, K.M. Fan, P. Cheng, S.J. Xia*, L.W. Qian, Construction of thin-film nanocomposite membranes by incorporating acyl chloride@MoS2 for enhanced nanofiltration performance. Sep. Purif. Technol. 319 (2023) 124078.
9. X.P. Wang, Y.L. Liu*, K.M. Fan, P. Cheng, H.B. Xia, S.J. Xia*, Utilization of carboxyl group-grafted molybdenum disulfide for enhancing the performance of thin-film nanocomposite nanofiltration membranes. Desalination 548 (2023) 116283.
10. X.P. Wang, Y.L. Liu*, K.M. Fan, P. Cheng, S.J. Xia*, Nano-striped polyamide membranes enabled by vacuum-assisted incorporation of hierarchical flower-like MoS2 for enhanced nanofiltration performance. J. Membr. Sci. 668 (2023) 121250.
11. Y.D Huang, Y.L. Liu*, K.M. Fan, S.J Xia*, Influence of powdered activated carbon on gravity-driven ultrafiltration for decentralized drinking water treatment: Insights from microbial community and biofilm structure. Sep. Purif. Technol. 313 (2023) 123451.
12. Z.Y. Zhang, K.M. Fan, Y.L. Liu*, S.J Xia*, A review on polyester and polyester-amide thin film composite nanofiltration membranes: Synthesis, characteristics and applications. Sci. Total Environ. 858 (2023) 159922.
13. Y.L. Liu, K.P. Wang, Z.X. Zhou, X.X. Wei, S.J. Xia, X.M. Wang*, Y.F. Xie, X. Huang, Boosting the performance of nanofiltration membranes in removing organic micropollutants: Trade-off effect, strategy evaluation, and prospective development. Environ. Sci. Technol. 56 (2022) 15220−15237.
14. X.X. Wei, Y.L. Liu*, J.F. Zheng, X.M. Wang, S.J Xia*, B. Van der Bruggen, A critical review on thin-film nanocomposite membranes enabled by nanomaterials incorporated in different positions and with diverse dimensions: Performance comparison and mechanisms, J. Membr. Sci. 661 (2022) 120952.
15. P. Cheng, Y.L. Liu*, X.P. Wang, K.M. Fan, P. Li, S.J. Xia*, Regulating interfacial polymerization via constructed 2D metal-organic framework interlayers for fabricating nanofiltration membranes with enhanced performance. Desalination 544 (2022) 116134.
16. K.M. Fan, Y.L. Liu*, X.P. Wang, P. Cheng, S.J Xia*, Comparison of polyamide, polyesteramide and polyester nanofiltration membranes: properties and separation performance. Sep. Purif. Technol. 297 (2022) 121579.
17. W.J. Yang, Q. Guo, D. Duan, T.Y Wang, J.X Liu, X. Du, Y.L. Liu*, S.J Xia*, Characteristics of flat-sheet ceramic ultrafiltration membranes for lake water treatment: A pilot study. Sep. Purif. Technol. 289 (2022) 120677.
18. Z.Y. Gu, P. Li,X.R. Gao, Y. Qin, Y.S. Pan, Y.B. Zhu, S.L. Yu*, Q. Xia, Y.L. Liu*, D.S. Zhao, G.C. Liu, Surface-crumpled thin-film nanocomposite membranes with elevated nanofiltration performance enabled by facilely synthesized covalent organic frameworks. J. Membr. Sci. 625 (2021) 119144.
19. P. Cheng, Y.D. Huang, C. Wu, X.P Wang, X.R Fu, P. Li, Y.L. Liu*, S.J. Xia*, Two-dimensional metal−porphyrin framework membranes for efficient molecular sieving. J. Membr. Sci. 640 (2021) 119812.
20. Y.L. Liu, J.Y. Zhu*,J.F. Zheng, X.Q. Gao, J. Wang, X.M. Wang, Y.F. Xie, X. Huang, B. Van der Bruggen, A facile and scalable fabrication procedure for thin film composite membranes: Integration of phase inversion and interfacial polymerization. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54 (2020) 1946−1954.
21. Y.L. Liu, J.Y. Zhu*,J.F. Zheng, X.Q. Gao, M.M. Tian, X.M. Wang, Y.F. Xie, Y.T. Zhang*, A. Volodin, B. Van der Bruggen, Porous organic polymer embedded thin-film nanocomposite membranes for enhanced nanofiltration performance. J. Membr. Sci. 602 (2020) 117982.
22. Y.L. Liu, X.M. Wang*, X.Q. Gao, J.F. Zheng, J. Wang, A. Volodin, Y.F. Xie, X. Huang, B. Van der Bruggen, J.Y. Zhu*, High-performance thin film nanocomposite membranes enabled by nanomaterials with different dimensions for nanofiltration. J. Membr. Sci. 596 (2020) 117717.
23. Y.L. Liu, Y.Y. Zhao, X.M. Wang*, X.H. Wen, X. Huang*, Y.F. Xie, Effect of varying piperazine concentration and post-modification on prepared nanofiltration membranes in selectively rejecting organic micropollutants and salts, J. Membr. Sci. 582 (2019) 274−283.
24. Y.L. Liu, X.M. Wang*, H.W. Yang, Y.F. Xie, X. Huang, Preparation of nanofiltration membranes for high rejection of organic micropollutants and low rejection of divalent cations, J. Membr. Sci. 572 (2019) 152−160.
25. Y.L. Liu, K. Xiao, A.Q. Zhang, X.M. Wang*, H.W. Yang, X. Huang, Y.F. Xie, Exploring the interactions of organic micropollutants with polyamide nanofiltration membranes: A molecular docking study, J. Membr. Sci. 577 (2019) 285−293.
26. Y.L. Liu, X.M. Wang*, H.W. Yang, Y.F. Xie, Quantifying the influence of solute-membrane interactions on adsorption and rejection of pharmaceuticals by NF/RO membranes, J. Membr. Sci. 551 (2018) 37−46.
27. Y.L. Liu, W. W, X.M. Wang*, H.W. Yang, Y.F. Xie, Relating the rejections of oligomeric ethylene glycols and saccharides by nanofiltration: Implication for membrane pore size determination, Sep. Purif. Technol. 205 (2018) 151−158.
1. IWA中国青年委员
2. Chinese Chemical Letters、《净水技术》青年编委
3. 北京膜学会杰出青年成果奖(2021)
4. 清华大学优秀博士毕业生(2020)
5. 清华大学优秀博士学位论文(2020)
6. 第十四届奥加诺水质与水环境奖学金一等奖(2020)
7. 第三届钱易环境奖一等奖(2019)
8. 博士研究生国家奖学金(2019)
9. “清华-哈希水质奖学金”博士研究生特等奖(2018)
10. 第六届亚洲研究生薄膜科技论坛口头报告银奖(2018)