l 主讲课程:
l 科研项目:
1. 国家重点研发计划课题:场地土壤多金属同步稳定化新型材料研发(主持)
2. 国家自然科学基金:微米−亚微米−纳米尺度塑料颗粒的相互作用及其在多孔介质中的共迁移机制(主持)
3. 国家自然科学基金:水溶性离子液体在生物炭上的吸附增效机制与调控原理(主持结题)
4. 国家自然科学基金:匹配阴离子影响下咪唑类离子液体的土壤吸附行为(主持结题)
5. 国家自然科学基金:环境氧化影响下黑碳吸附农药的衰减机制(主持结题)
6. 国家自然科学基金:溶解性有机质抑制黑碳吸附农药的机制研究(主持结题)
7. 国家自然科学基金:碳黑吸附三丁基锡的行为、机理及环境调控研究(主持结题)
8. 国家自然科学基金:溶解性有机质对黑碳吸附农药行为的影响研究(主持结题)
9. 浙江省自然科学基金:环境黑碳吸附微囊藻毒素的行为与机理研究(主持结题)
l 近五年代表性论文:
1. Han, W., Hou, Y., Yu, Y., Lu, Z., Qiu, Y.* Fibrous and filmy microplastics exert opposite effects on the mobility of nanoplastics in saturated porous media. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 434: 128912.
2. Hong, C., Dong, Z., Zhang, J., Zhu, L., Che, L., Mao F., Qiu, Y.* Effectiveness and mechanism for the simultaneous adsorption of Pb(II), Cd (II) and As(III) by animal-derived biochar/ferrihydrite composite. Chemosphere, 2022, 293, 133583.
3. Lei, S., Hong, C., Dong, Z., Zhang, J., Zhang, X., Zhu, L., Qiu, Y.* Pb(II)-mediated precipitate transformation promotes Cr(VI) immobilization by biogenic hydroxyapatite. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 424: 127584.
4. Zhu, L., Cheng, H., Han, W., Liu, M., Qiu, Y.* Structure-dependent Fenton reactivity and degradation pathway of methylimidazolium ionic liquids. ACS ES&T Water, 2021, 1(4): 808-814.
5. Zhang, W., Dong, Z., Zhu, L., Hou, Y., Qiu, Y.* Direct observation of the release of nanoplastics from commercially recycled plastics with correlative Raman imaging and scanning electron microscopy. ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 7920-7926.
6. Dong, Z., Hou, Y., Han, W., Liu, M., Wang, J., Qiu, Y.* Protein corona-mediated transport of nanoplastics in seawater-saturated porous media. Water Research, 2020, 182, 115978.
7. Lei, S., Zhu, L., Xue, C., Hong, C., Wang, J., Che, L., Hu, Y., Qiu, Y.* Mechanistic insights and multiple characterizations of cadmium binding to animal-derived biochar. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 258, 113675.
8. Liu, M., Zhu, L., Zhang, X., Han, W., Qiu, Y.* Insight into the role of ion-pairing in the adsorption of imidazolium derivative-based ionic liquids by activated carbon. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 743, 140644.
9. Xue, C., Zhu, L., Lei, S., Liu, M., Hong, C., Che, L., Wang, J., Qiu, Y.* Lead competition alters the zinc adsorption mechanism on animal-derived biochar. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 713, 136395.
10. Lei, S., Shi, Y., Xue, C., Wang, J., Che, L., Qiu, Y.* Hybrid ash/biochar biocomposites as soil amendments for the alleviation of cadmium accumulation by Oryza sativa L. in a contaminated paddy field. Chemosphere, 2020, 239,124805.
11. Dong, Z., Zhu, L., Zhang, W., Huang, R., Lv, X., Jing, X., Yang, Z., Wang, J., Qiu, Y.* Role of surface functionalities of nanoplastics on their transport in seawater-saturated sea sand. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 255, 113177.
12. Zhao, M., Wei, L., Zheng, Y., Liu, M., Wang, J., Qiu, Y.* Structural effect of imidazolium-type ionic liquid adsorption to montmorillonite. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 666, 858-864.
13. Dong, Z., Zhang, W., Qiu, Y.*, Yang, Z., Wang, J., Zhang, Y. Cotransport of nanoplastics (NPs) with fullerene (C60) in saturated sand: Effect of NPs/C60 ratio and seawater salinity. Water Research, 2019, 148, 469-478.
14. Lei, S., Shi, Y., Qiu, Y.*, Che, L., Xue, C. Performance and mechanisms of emerging animal-derived biochars for immobilization of heavy metals. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 646, 1281-1289.
15. Dong, Z., Qiu, Y.*, Zhang, W., Yang, Z., Wei, L. Size-dependent transport and retention of micron-sized plastic spheres in natural sand saturated with seawater. Water Research, 2018, 143, 518-526.
16. Li, Y., Wei, L., Zhang, W., Dong, Z., Qiu, Y.* Counteranion-dependent sorption of imidazolium-and benzimidazolium-based ionic liquids by soot. Chemosphere, 2018, 202, 264-271.
l 发明专利:
1. 利用铅沉淀转化提升生物羟基磷灰石去除铬阴离子的方法,申请;
2. 基于生物基碳酸钙的层状双金属氢氧化物材料制备方法,申请;
3. 一种同步固定阴阳重金属离子的水铁矿@骨炭材料,申请;
4. 一种基于扫描电镜-拉曼技术原位鉴定固体表面纳米塑料颗粒的方法,申请;
5. 一种基于扫描电镜-拉曼技术鉴定水溶液中纳米塑料颗粒的方法,申请;
6. 农林生物质发电厂底灰用于土壤中镉污染原位钝化的方法,授权;
7. 利用磷酸盐促进活性炭吸附去除水体中离子液体的方法,授权;
8. 同时去除并分别回收水体中重金属离子与酚类物质的方法,授权;
l 研究生学术获奖:
1. 刘梦萍 硕士生,2021年院级优秀硕士论文;
2. 刘梦萍 硕士生,2020年同济大学优秀学生;
3. 刘梦萍 硕士生,2020年国家奖学金;
4. 董志强 博士生,2020年校级优秀博士论文;
5. 雷思聪 博士生,2020年院级优秀博士论文;
6. 张文 硕士生,2020年院级优秀硕士论文;
7. 董志强 博士生,2020年第十四届奥加诺奖学金;
8. 董志强 博士生,2019年第四届同济大学环境学院十佳学术达人;
9. 董志强 博士生,2019年国家奖学金;
10. 董志强 博士生,2018年国家奖学金;
11. 雷思聪 博士生,2018年第四届环境污染与健康会议优秀海报奖(南开大学主办);
12. 董志强 博士生,2017年第九届全国环境化学大会优秀口头报告奖(浙江大学主办);
13. 陈广世 硕士生,2017年第九届全国环境化学大会优秀海报奖(浙江大学主办);