1. 本科生课程:环境工程概论(双语),环境工程概论专题讨论课,毕业实习,土壤与地下水修复工程
2. 研究生课程:污染控制技术(博/硕士生),环境领域前沿科学(博士生),污水处理的原理与技术(IESD全英文课程)
1. 国家重点研发计划:极端环境胁迫下生物转化微生物耐受机制和抗逆境定向调控机理(No. 2019YFC1905002-02),2020.1-2023.
2. 国家重点研发计划:典型地区村镇生活污水分质处理关键技术研究(No. 2019YFD1100201-03),2019.11-2022.12.
3. 国际合作(国际机构)纵向项目:AEROPE项目节能报告咨询服务(No. KZ0040020220325),2022.6-2022.12.
4. 国际合作(国际机构)纵向项目:节能技术改造项目咨询服务 (No. KZ0040020220008),2022.1-2022.12.
5. 横向课题:开能绿色工厂创建自评价咨询(No. KH0040020212664),2021.10-2022.10.
6. 横向课题:绿色制造体系自评价咨询(No. KH0040020200839),2020.3-2020.11.
7. 横向课题:绿色工厂创建自评价咨询服务(No. KH0040020193869),2019.11-2020.5.
8. 横向课题:绿色工厂创建自评价咨询服务(No. KH0040020191016),2019.4-2020.4.
9. 国家自然科学基金:离子载体类抗生素在活性污泥系统中的水解与生物降解耦合作用机理及其抗性基因去除研究(No. 51408422),2015.1-2017.12.
10. 同济大学青年优秀人才培养计划:污水中典型痕量药物污染物的生物去除机理研究(No. 2012KJ019),2013.1-2014.12.
11. 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室自主研究(青年预研)项目:纳米铁类芬顿氧化法处理污水中典型痕量药物污染物的机理研究(No. PCRRY12001), 2012.10-2014.10.
1. 上海市生态环境局:全市国考市考等水质监测断面技术核查评估项目(No. KZ0040020192030),2019.7-2020.3.
2. 上海市生态环境局:市管泵站污染排放专项调查(No. KZ0040020181549),2018.3-2018.12.
3. 国家自然科学基金:过氧化钙促进剩余污泥发酵产酸并去除有害有机物的化学-生物协调作用机理研究(No. 51578392),2016.1-2019.12.
4. 水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项:城市污水磷酸盐回收利用工艺系统研究(No. 2015ZX07306001-03),2014.1-2019.12.
5. 水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项:城市污水厂雨污水协同处理与氮磷深度去除技术研究(No. 2014ZX07303-003-07),2014.1-2018.12.
1. Qian Ping, Tingting Yan, Lin Wang*, Yongmei Li, Yuqian Lin. Insight into using a novel ultraviolet/peracetic acid combination disinfection process to simultaneously remove antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater: Mechanism and comparison with conventional processes. Water Research, 2022, 210, 118019.
2. Lin Wang*, Tingting Yan, Ruijie Tang, Qian Ping, Yongmei Li, Jie Wang. Motivation of reactive oxidation species in peracetic acid by adding nanoscale zero-valent iron to synergic removal of spiramycin under ultraviolet irradiation: Mechanism and N-nitrosodimethylamine formation potential assessment. Water Research, 2021, 205, 117684.
3. Lin Wang, Bingrong Li, Yongmei Li*, Jianmin Wang. Enhanced biological nitrogen removal under low dissolved oxygen in an anaerobic-anoxic-oxic system: kinetics, stoichiometry and microbial community. Chemosphere, 2021, 263, 128184 (ESI高被引论文).
4. Lin Wang, Qiya Sun, Yicheng Dou, Zhipeng Zhang, Tingting Yan, Yongmei Li*. Fabricating a novel ternary recyclable Fe3O4/graphene/sulfur-doped g-C3N4 composite catalyst for enhanced removal of ranitidine under visible-light irradiation and reducing of its N-nitrosodimethylamine formation potential. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 413, 125288.
5. Yicheng Dou, Tingting Yan, Zhipeng Zhang, Qiya Sun, Lin Wang*, Yongmei Li. Heterogeneous activation of peroxydisulfate by sulfur-doped g-C3N4 under visible-light irradiation: Implications for the degradation of spiramycin and an assessment of N-nitrosodimethylamine formation potential. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 406, 124328.
6. Tingting Yan, Qian Ping, Ai Zhang, Yicheng Dou, Lin Wang*, Yongmei Li. Enhanced removal of oxytetracycline by UV-driven advanced oxidation with peracetic acid: Insight into the degradation intermediates and N-nitrosodimethylamine formation potential. Chemosphere, 2021, 274, 129726.
7. Yicheng Dou, Xingyu Shen, Jinte Zou, Runzhe Shi, Tingting Yan, Qiya Sun, Lin Wang*. Green synthesis of sulfur-doped g-C3N4 nanosheets for enhanced removal of oxytetracycline under visible-light irradiation and reduction of its N-nitrosodimethylamine formation potential. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2021, 96: 1580-1592.
8. Lin Wang, Gucheng Li, Yongmei Li*. Enhanced treatment of composite industrial wastewater using anaerobic-anoxic-oxic membrane bioreactor: performance, membrane fouling and microbial community. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2019, 94(7): 2292-2304.
9. Lin Wang, Juan Yang, Yongmei Li*, Juan Lv, Gucheng Li. Oxidation of N-nitrosodimethylamine in a heterogeneous nanoscale zero-valent iron/H2O2 Fenton-like system: influencing factors and degradation pathway. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2017, 92(3): 552-561.
10. Lin Wang, Juan Yang, Yongmei Li*, Juan Lv, Jinte Zou. Removal of chlorpheniramine in a nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) induced heterogeneous Fenton system: Influencing factors and degradation intermediates. Chemical Engineering Journal, 284, 2016, 1058-1067.
11. Lin Wang, Xiaolin Zhang, Yongmei Li*. Degradation of nicosulfuron by a novel isolated bacterial strain Klebsiella sp. Y1: Condition optimization, kinetics and degradation pathway. Water Science and Technology, 2016, 73: 2896-2903.
12. Lin Wang, Yongmei Li*. Degradation of dimethylamine and three tertiary amines by activated sludge and isolated strains. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 90, 2015, 847-858.
13. Lin Wang, Jianqiang Tian, Yongmei Li*. Nitrite accumulation and nitrous oxide emission during the denitrification processes with quinoline and indole as the sole carbon source. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 90, 2015, 1317-1328.
14. Yongmei Li*, Jie Wang, Ai Zhang, Lin Wang*. Enhancing the quantity and quality of short-chain fatty acids production from waste activated sludge using CaO2 as an additive. Water Research, 83, 2015, 84-93.
15. Lin Wang, Yongmei Li*, Jingyuan Duan. Biodegradation of 2-methylquinoline by Klebsiella pneumoniae TJ-A isolated from acclimated activated sludge. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 49, 2014, 27-38.
16. Lin Wang, Junming Zhao, Yongmei Li*. Removal of bisphenol A and 4-n-nonylphenol coupled to nitrate reduction using acclimated activated sludge under anaerobic conditions. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 89, 2014, 391-400.
17. Lin Wang, Xiaoling Shang, Yongmei Li*, Jing Shen. Occurrence and removal of N-nitrosodimethylamine and its precursors in wastewater treatment plants in and around Shanghai. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 8, 2014, 519-530.
18. Lin Wang, Yongmei Li*, Guodong He. Degradation of typical N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) precursors and its formation potential in anoxic-aerobic (AO) activated sludge system. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 49, 2014, 1727-1739.
19. Lin Wang, Yongmei Li*, Jingyuan Duan. Biodegradation of 2-methylquinoline by Enterobacter aerogenes TJ-D isolated from activated sludge. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2013, 25(7), 1310-1318.
20. 王林, 张浩浩, 吴兴海, 李咏梅*. 反硝化生物滤池深度脱氮中试运行效能及微生物菌群分析. 同济大学学报 (自然科学版), 49(12), 2021, 1727-1737 (EI论文).
1. 王林, 何云鹏, 李咏梅, 平倩, 林雨倩, 奚志成. 一种利用高碳氮比生物质碳促进高氨氮生境下污泥厌氧消化产甲烷的方法. 专利申请号:202210479834.X.
2. 王林, 平倩, 严婷婷, 李咏梅, 林雨倩. 利用紫外/过氧乙酸去除污水中抗生素和抗性基因的方法. 专利申请号:202111152435.4.
3. 王林, 何云鹏, 李咏梅, 平倩, 孙启雅, 奚志成. 减缓高含固污泥高氨氮胁迫促进定向生物转化的方法. 专利申请号:2021111080943.6.
4. 王林, 严婷婷, 李咏梅, 平倩, 孙启雅. 一种利用低浓度过氧乙酸中过氧化氢组分协同降解村镇污水中难降解有机物的方法. 专利申请号:202110581259.X.
5. 王林, 孙启雅, 李咏梅, 何云鹏, 奚志成. 一种生物质碳缓释材料碳释放能力的评价方法. 专利授权号:ZL 202110284053.0.
6. 王林, 孙启雅, 李咏梅, 严婷婷, 何云鹏. 一种基于农业废弃物碳缓释强化生物脱氮同步除磷的改进型人工快渗一体化装置及其应用. 专利申请号:202011049853.6.
7. 王林, 严婷婷, 李咏梅, 台雪, 卜韩萌, 宋阳子. 紫外/过氧乙酸对村镇污水中难降解抗生素的去除及应用. 专利申请号:202010855822.3.
8. 王林, 窦义成, 李咏梅, 严婷婷, 孙启雅. 硫掺杂石墨相氮化碳纳米片负载石墨烯与四氧化三铁复合磁性光催化剂制备方法和应用. 专利申请号: 202010115591.2.
9. 王林, 窦义成, 李咏梅, 严婷婷, 伍鑫一, 毛仲山, 陶诗雨. 一种可见光催化剂材料的制备方法及其应用. 专利申请号: 201910004359.9.
10. 李咏梅, 张冰倩, 王林, 卢可馨,张强. 一种分析污泥中铁磷化合物形态含量的方法. 专利授权号:ZL 201811469348.X.
11. 李咏梅, 张浩浩, 王林, 李炳荣, 李志, 张冰倩. 一种高效的脱氮除磷污水处理方法. 专利申请号:201710565331.3.
12. 王林. 一种利用芬顿技术强氧化去除污水中卡马西平的方法. 专利申请号:201310487708.
13. 王林. 利用维生素B12对污水中三氯生进行强化还原脱氯的方法. 专利申请号:201310487706.
14. 王林. 利用纳米零价铁类芬顿技术去除污水中双氯芬酸的方法.专利申请号:201310488628.
15. 王林, 董秉直, 李咏梅. 厌氧条件下利用零价锌对污水中三氯生还原去除的方法. 专利申请号:201410027296.
16. 王林, 董秉直, 李咏梅. 利用铜-铁非均相芬顿技术去除污水中双氯芬酸的方法. 专利申请号:201410027373.
1. Lin Wang*, Tingting Yan, Yongmei Li. Motivation of reactive oxidation species in peracetic acid by adding nZVI to synergic removal of spiramycin under UV irradiation and N-nitrosodimethylamine formation control. International Conference on Sustainable Technology and Development 2021, Shengzhen, China, 2021.
2. Lin Wang, Bingrong Li, Yongmei Li*. Enhanced biological nitrogen removal in the AAO system under low DO: kinetics, stoichiometry and microbial community. 2019 Innovation Conference on Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery, Shanghai, China, 2019.
3. Lin Wang, Juan Yang, Yongmei Li*. Degradation of chlorpheniramine in a nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) induced heterogeneous Fenton system. 17th Mainland Taiwan Environmental Protection Conference (MTEPC), Kunming, China, 2015 (Best Paper Award).
4. Lin Wang, Yongmei Li*, Dianhai Yang. Effects of hydraulic retention time and sludge retention time on the removal of dimethylamine and dimethylformamide as NDMA precursors in an anaerobic-anoxic-oxic activated sludge system. IWA World Water Congress&Exhibition, Busan, Korea, 2012.
5. Yongmei Li*, Lin Wang, Guogong He. Effect of HRT and SRT on the removal of NDMA precursors in an anaerobic/anoxic/oxic wastewater treatment process. 11th International Biorelated Polymer Symposium/243rd National Spring Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), San Diego, CA, USA, 2012.
1. 2021年,2018级硕士研究生,严婷婷,学位论文—“紫外/过氧乙酸新型消毒工艺对污水中抗生素及其抗性的去除研究”获同济大学优秀硕士学位论文.
2. 2019年, 2018级本科生, 国创项目, 台雪, 卜韩萌, 宋阳子. g-C3N4光催化活化过硫酸盐降解典型兽用抗生素类亚硝胺前体物的机制研究.
3. 2018年, 2017级本科生, SITP项目, 伍鑫一, 陶诗雨, 毛仲山. 兽用抗生素类亚硝胺前体物的光催化降解机制研究.
4. 2017年, 2016级本科生, SITP项目, 史润哲, 刘启, 阿迪来·阿不力米提. N-亚硝基二甲胺的类芬顿氧化去除机制研究.
5. 2016年, 2015级本科生, SITP项目, 龚华婷, 加央, 蔡逸群. NDMA典型药物前体物在nZVI/H2O2非均相类芬顿系统中的去除机理研究.
1. 2021年同济大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师
2. 2019年度同济大学中原环保-胡佳骏环境教育奖励金
3. 2019年度同济大学优秀本科生导师
4. 2019-2020学年同济大学优秀班主任
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